Special Needs Childcare Services
Comprehensive training for special needs children in childcare.
At Child Care Council, we are dedicated to ensuring proper care for special needs children in our community. Our special needs childcare services offer a wide range of courses to provide child care providers with comprehensive education. They include:
- Training for Special Needs Children in Childcare: Classes/in-services are designed for child care providers to increase their knowledge on a variety of special needs topics to help support their ability to provide high-quality care. (Monroe, Wayne, and Livingston counties only)
- Technical Assistance: Free technical assistance is offered to child care providers who are working with children with special needs. Technical assistance may include support via email, over the phone, or an on-site visit. (in Monroe County)
- NEW – Special Needs Consultation for Programs & Providers: Preventing the suspension and expulsion of children with special needs from childcare settings by supporting parents, providing research-based strategies, and empowering teachers.
Our Approach

Initial Phase
- Team meetings with parents, teachers, and the special needs consultant to get to know the student and their needs
- Observations

Phase One
- Prevention-focused
- Team creates a plan to support the child entering a new classroom or child care provider setting
- If the child is currently enrolled in a program or classroom, the special needs consultant may skip this phase

Phase Two
- Support plan and action steps are created by the special needs consultant and implemented by the teachers
- Weekly meetings and observation to monitor the plan and engage in reflective discussion

Phase Three
- Practice-based coaching
- Weekly meetings and observation
- Possible free resources
Special Needs Resources For Families
Our special needs referral program helps in finding special day care services and other community resources for children with developmental disabilities or delays. We also offer enhanced child care referrals tailored to families’ specific needs, along with equipment loans for children with special needs in Monroe County.

Make this your go-to for all things child care, from articles and links to FAQs and Council news, plus a community job board for providers.